
Reach Skills Training Center pledges to adhere to the principles of intellectual property rights and copyrights, and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, fully adhering to the procedures followed by the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property and Copyright Protection with the utmost accuracy. Furthermore, I will uphold the rights of others and commit to dealing fairly with all trainees and staff at Reach Skills Training Center. This is my declaration thereof.



The website of Reach Skills Training Center is an online platform that showcases all activities, events, and training programs offered by the center. It is imperative to use this website in a manner that serves the interests of the public and preserves the reputation of the center and its members, without subjecting it to any legal accountability. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the publishing policies outlined in this document.


Publishing Responsibility:

It is the responsibility of the authorized departments and individuals to use the website according to their designated purpose, bearing in mind that any content published under the name of the center represents it officially.


Intellectual Property and Copyright:

The content published on the website must comply with copyright laws and policies specified by the relevant authorities. It is the responsibility of the departments to ensure that no intellectual property rights are infringed upon for any content borrowed from other websites before publishing.


Content Writing Guidelines:

Published content must be appropriate and free from:

  • Profanity, offensive language, or racism.
  • Violations of laws or social norms.
  • Infringement upon individuals’ privacy.
  • Use as a platform to discuss or complain about other parties or individuals.
  • Linguistic mistakes, ensuring the accuracy and currency of information.

Changes and Disclaimer:

The center reserves the right to modify content at any time without prior notice, and does not guarantee the absolute accuracy of the published information.


Policy Changes:

This policy may be updated from time to time to keep pace with the evolving services provided. Continued use of the website constitutes acceptance of any future modifications.


Procedures for Intellectual Property Rights Violations:

Reporting the Violation:

  • Relevant departments or any affected party must immediately report any suspected infringement of intellectual property rights, providing full details of the concerned content.

Initial Investigation:

  • A committee is formed by the center to investigate the validity of the claims. This committee gathers all relevant information and evidence related to the reported content.

Freezing the Violating Content:

  • Upon confirmation of infringement, the violating content is temporarily frozen or removed from the platform to prevent further damages.

Notifying the Violating Party:

  • An official notification is sent to the party that published the violating content, informing them of the complaint against them and requesting their defense or clarification within a specified timeframe.

Final Decision and Necessary Actions:

  • Based on the evidence and explanations provided, the committee decides on the necessary actions, which may include continuing to freeze the content, republishing it after modification, or permanent deletion.
  • In cases of severe violations, disciplinary actions may be taken against the violating party, including temporary or permanent banning from using the platform.

Preventive and Corrective Measures:

  • The center conducts awareness courses on intellectual property rights for users to avoid repeating such violations.
    Policies and procedures related to publishing on the platform may be amended based on lessons learned from previous incidents to ensure they are not repeated.

Documentation and Review:

  • All incidents and actions related to intellectual property rights violations are documented for future review and improvement of governance and management policies.

This approach demonstrates the center’s commitment to protecting intellectual property rights and maintaining a safe and respectful publishing environment for everyone.

These principles are binding on all beneficiaries of the center’s services and all employees, and any violation of them may result in disciplinary measures by the regulations of the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property.