Commitment to obtaining National Center for E-Learning Certificates



We at the Access Skills Training Center are committed to developing and enhancing the level of qualification and professionalism of our team of trainers, technicians, administrators, technicians, and supervisory staff. These commitments come as part of our ongoing efforts to improve the quality of the synchronous online training we provide.



  1. Trainers:

    We are committed to providing the necessary support for trainers to obtain professional National Center for E-Learning certificates when providing training in the synchronous electronic mode. This includes providing educational resources and ongoing training to ensure their skills are up to date and excellent learning experiences are provided.

  2. Technicians, administrators, and technicians:

    We are committed to providing opportunities and support for technicians, administrators, and technicians to obtain professional National Center for E-Learning certificates. This aims to enhance their competence in their fields and improve the quality of technical and administrative services.

  3. Supervisory staff:

    We are committed to developing the capabilities of the supervisory staff by providing the support and training necessary to obtain the National Center for E-Learning’s professional certificates. This aims to enable them to achieve the goals of advancing the organization and developing the management of training operations efficiently and effectively.

We emphasize that these commitments reflect our vision to raise the level of electronic educational services and develop the skills of our work team, as we believe in the importance of continuing to provide high-quality education that meets the aspirations of trainees and contributes to achieving their professional and academic goals.